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Apple’s MagSafe technology provides basis for next-gen Qi2 wireless charging standard

mardi 3 janvier 2023, 21:23 , par Mac Daily News
The Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) on Tuesday announced that Apple, a WPC member, provided the basis for the next-gen Qi2 wireless charging standard building on its MagSafe technology. Apple and other WPC members developed the new Magnetic Power Profile, which is at the core of Qi2. Qi2’s Magnetic Power Profile will ensure that phones or other rechargeable battery-powered mobile products are perfectly aligned with charging devices, thus providing improved energy efficiency and faster charging.
Apple’s MagSafe Charger for iPhone
The Qi2 standard will be introduced later this year by the global consortium and will offer millions of consumers who rely on wireless charging a better user experience. The WPC is a global body dedicated to the creation of standards to ensure safe, efficient, and interoperable wireless charging and wireless power.
“Consumers and retailers have been telling us they’re confused concerning what devices are Qi Certified and those that claim to work with Qi but are not Qi Certified. This confusion can lead to a poor user experience and even safety issues,” says Paul Struhsaker, executive director of the Wireless Power Consortium, in a statement. “Our standard assures consumers that their devices are safe, efficient, and interoperable with other brands. Qi2 will be the global standard for wireless charging and provide consumers and retailers with that assurance.”
The Qi2 (pronounced ‘chee two’) standard will replace its predecessor, Qi, in a rapidly expanding market where about one billion devices – transmitters and receivers – will be sold worldwide in 2023. The launch of the Qi2 standard will further expand the wireless charging market by opening the market to new accessories that wouldn’t be chargeable using current flat surface-to-flat surface devices.
Because of its improved efficiency and interoperability, Qi2 will enable faster charging for some devices, furthermore, it will pave the way for significant future increases in wireless charging speeds that are safe, and energy-efficient and won’t shorten battery life or damage a user’s phone.
“Energy efficiency and sustainability are on everyone’s minds these days,” says Struhsaker. “Qi2’s perfect alignment improves energy efficiency by reducing the energy loss that can happen when the phone or the charger is not aligned. Just as important, Qi2 will greatly reduce the landfill waste associated with wired charger replacement due to plugs breaking and the stress placed on cords from daily connecting and disconnecting.”
Qi2 Certified mobile phones and chargers are expected to be available for the 2023 holiday season.
MacDailyNews Take: Yet again, Apple leads.
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