EU to assess if Apple’s iPadOS complies with its Digital Markets Act
lundi 4 novembre 2024, 17:30 , par Mac Daily News
European Union (EU) antitrust regulators will assess whether Apple’s iPadOS operating system complies with the bloc’s Digital Markets Act, the European Commission said on Monday.
Reuters: The move by the EU executive, which acts as the bloc’s competition enforcer, followed Apple’s publication of a compliance report for its iPad OS, designated by the commission in April as an important gateway for businesses to reach their customers. “The Commission will now carefully assess whether the measures adopted for iPad OS are effective in complying with the DMA obligations,” the EU antitrust watchdog said in a statement. The Digital Markets Act (DMA), which came into force earlier this year, requires Apple to allow users to set the default web browser of their choice on iPads, permit alternative app stores on its operating system and allow headphones and smart pens to access iPad OS features. DMA breaches can cost companies fines as much as 10% of their global annual turnover. MacDailyNews Take: The red-tape-generating thievery machine churns unabatedly. The European Union arose because the Europeans couldn’t compete on their own with the rest of the world, so they each lined up to surrender their national sovereignty, unique cultures, and dignity for an undemocratic, opaque, wasteful, bloated, bureaucratic quasi-governmental blob – and, even with the EU’s thumbs all over the scale, they still can’t compete. — MacDailyNews, March 4, 2024 We are currently about 1/4th of the way to being sustainable with Substack subscriptions. Not a bad start! Please tell your Apple-loving friends about MacDailyNews on Substack and, if you’re currently a free subscriber, please consider $5/mo. or $50/year to keep MacDailyNews going. Just hit the subscribe button. Thank you! Read on Substack Please help support MacDailyNews — and enjoy subscriber-only articles, comments, chat, and more — by subscribing to our Substack: Thank you! Support MacDailyNews at no extra cost to you by using this link to shop at Amazon. [Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.] The post EU to assess if Apple’s iPadOS complies with its Digital Markets Act appeared first on MacDailyNews.
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jeu. 13 mars - 07:57 CET