Apple forms Shanghai data-processing venture
vendredi 10 janvier 2025, 17:27 , par Mac Daily News
While its plans to launch AI services on iPhones in mainland China remain uncertain, Apple has established a new data-processing venture in Shanghai. Registered on Friday with US$35 million in capital, Apple Technology Development (Shanghai) will focus on software development, big data services, storage, and data processing, according to Chinese business registry platform Tianyancha.
Iris Deng for the South China Morning Post: Tejas Kirit Gala, who heads Apple’s multiple entities in the country, serves as the legal representative of the new firm, which is wholly owned by Apple South Asia, according to Tianyancha. The Cupertino, California-based company’s latest move comes amid growing challenges in China, the world’s biggest smartphone market, where it faces increased competition from domestic handset vendors including a resurgent Huawei Technologies. Apple is also awaiting regulatory approval to roll out its Apple Intelligence suite for iPhone users on the mainland. Apple chief executive Tim Cook last year made at least three visits to China, where he met the company’s key mainland suppliers and industry regulators to discuss topics including data security and cloud services. MacDailyNews Take: As we wrote last November: Apple Intelligence in China will be highly censored and rather limited; it will only spit back the approved narratives of the Chinese Communist Party. “Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.” — Potter Stewart We are currently about 1/4th of the way to being sustainable with Substack subscriptions. Please tell your Apple-loving friends about MacDailyNews on Substack and, if you’re currently a free subscriber, please consider $5/mo. or $50/year to keep MacDailyNews going. Just hit the subscribe button. Thank you! Read on Substack Please help support MacDailyNews — and enjoy subscriber-only articles, comments, chat, and more — by subscribing to our Substack: Thank you! Support MacDailyNews at no extra cost to you by using this link to shop at Amazon. The post Apple forms Shanghai data-processing venture appeared first on MacDailyNews.
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