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lundi 29 juillet 2024, 15:09
These rechargeable and battery-powered models put better oral hygiene within easy reach.
Long-distance cables were severed across France in a move that disrupted internet connectivity.
While a fight over betting on US elections plays out in court, the tech-savvy are gambling hundreds of millions of dollars on cryptocurrencies inspired by politicians.
Slick, svelte, and sharp. This is the best-performing Copilot+ PC we’ve tested to date.
Infostealer malware is swiping millions of passwords, cookies, and search histories. It’s a gold mine for hackers—and a disaster for anyone who becomes a target.
Coding was a preserve of elites, until BASIC hit the streets.
Not only is TikTok’s algorithm promoting Neo-Nazi content, extremist organizations are also using the platform to recruit new members and encourage real-world action.
FAQ: Frequently Asked QuestionsWe’ve read your mind (we think)! Whether it’s a question on how to subscribe or unsubscribe from ATPM or how you can contribute to a future issue (yes, you can write for ATPM), we’ve got you covered on our FAQ page. And in case we’re...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Hardware ReviewArticle Title: i-20 iPod DockAuthor: Chris LawsonAn attractive alternative to Apple’s Universal Dock and Component AV Cable has capabilities that Apple’s dock lacks.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
FAQ: Frequently Asked QuestionsWe’ve read your mind (we think)! Whether it’s a question on how to subscribe or unsubscribe from ATPM or how you can contribute to a future issue (yes, you can write for ATPM), we’ve got you covered on our FAQ page. And in case we’re...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
The Spinning BeachballAuthor: Grant OsborneAfter full integration with iOS, Twitter was never the same again…
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Qaptain QwertyArticle Title: TouchéAuthor: Linus LyTurn off your portable devices, please.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Out at FiveAuthor: Matt JohnsonMatt Johnson’s new series, Out at Five, looks at the workplace and its boundaries from all angles, revolving around many of the same characters from his former series, Cortland.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Desktop PicturesArticle Title: Easter IslandAuthor: James CraigATPM reader James Craig is back with more photos from a recent trip to Easter Island.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
PEBKACArticle Title: Readers, Readers Everywhere, and Not a Library to SpareAuthor: Christopher TurnerWhat does one do if one wishes to keep track of all of one’s book purchases—both electronic and printed—under a single application?
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
MacMuserArticle Title: iDisk LamentAuthor: Mark TennentMark notes that iDisk is disappearing with the impending release of iCloud, and he’s not happy with the alternatives.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
E-MailWe’d love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise. Or, if you have an opinion or announcement about the Macintosh platform in general, that’s OK too. Send your e-mail to All...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
WelcomeAuthor: Robert Paul LeitaoWarm up to each issue of ATPM with a brief welcome by Robert Paul Leitao and a spin of Apple finances and revenue, as well as what’s been going on that could affect your personal computing experience. Also this month: iCloud, Lion and...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
SponsorsATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™--Cover art by Heather Sitarzewski
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
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