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Mac > Low End Mac

vendredi 7 mars 2025, 00:15
89: Mac IIcx - 00: Website organization - 01: Outlook Express 101 - Apple: The green computer? - 03: Beyond multimedia and megahertz - Upgrading your G3 iMac - 05: Apple's leaky ship - UPS Canada brokerage fees - 06: The great PowerBook 100 - 08: Trading up a week-old...
jeudi 6 mars 2025, 00:00
00: Rescued Fat Mac - 01: The only computer worth using - iMac underpowered for MP3s - 02: Bring back the Cube - The upgrade option - Is your Mac secure? - 03: Defending the Mac in 3 minutes - Why you want an AGP Power Mac - 07: The $900 notebook: Where is Apple? - 08: Black ...
mercredi 5 mars 2025, 00:15
01: One brain or two? - Zero click Web surfing - 02: Configuring your firewall - CPU upgrades a waste of money? - 03: FireWire hot swap concerns - Yikes Power Mac isn't worth the money - 04: Screen size vs. screen resolution - 07: OS X 10.2 is best for Classic - 08: Leopard...
mardi 4 mars 2025, 00:15
00: G4 debacle not Apple's fault - 02: What is Gnutella? - 03: Blue and white G3 a best buy - Complete Mac makeover - 05: iPod: Fad, fashion accessory, or forever? - Apple turning away from FireWire? - 08: One month Windows saga - Microsoft's Reality Distortion Field -...
lundi 3 mars 2025, 00:15
00: Who is self serving? - 03: Value and limitations of the beige G3 - Super capacity batteries for Lombard and Pismo - 04: Is iTunes best for artists? - 05: Search engines, page links, and the worldwide Web - 06: 12 months with a Mac mini - 08: OS 9 browsers
dimanche 2 mars 2025, 00:16
87: Mac SE - Mac II - 99: Promising new browser - 00: Don Crabb, I truly never knew you - 01: The gaming challenge - That 70s iMac - 05: The eMac: Where do we go from here? - 06: Replacing your iPod's battery - Low End Mac Media Center - 07: The First Expandable Macs - $25...
samedi 1 mars 2025, 00:15
00: A boy and his Mac - 04: Pismo, Lombard, and WallStreet CPU upgrades - 05: OS X and the Blue & White firmware update - 06: Intel Mac mini value equation - Installing OS X on a WallStreet using an external CD-ROM
vendredi 28 février 2025, 00:15
00: Aquard - 01: Lean word processor specifics - Hot swap or not? - 03: Apple is a solutions company - Pros and cons of automatic updates - iceBook hard drive upgrade tutorial - 05: 'Creaky Operating Systems' good enough for millions - 06: Intel-based Mac mini - Extending...
jeudi 27 février 2025, 00:15
98: End of Newton - 01: Apple's Internet strategy - 02: Professional elitism and gatekeeping - 03: Fighting spam with Bayesian filtering - Creating an RSS news feed - Recovering from the FireWire hot swap fiasco - 04: What gets bigger as it gets smaller? The hard drive - 07: ...
mercredi 26 février 2025, 00:16
01: Almost high-end graphics for a low-end price - Thinking too different? - 02: Setting up a firewall in OS X - My first new Mac - 03: Switching from Mac to Windows - 05: Jef Raskin, 1943-2005 - 07: Opera the best browser for the Mac - 08: 17' MacBook Pro - 'Santa Rosa'...
mardi 25 février 2025, 00:15
00: The growing 'Book market - Games for '040s - 02: Demystifying the digital hub - The the consensus of the competent - 03: Independent Mac retailing done right - 04: Building a planetarium - 05: Trustworthy computing and untrustworthy customers - They don't build laptops...
lundi 24 février 2025, 00:16
99: Guide to iBook features - 00: Macs play MP3 - Using include files - 03: 2 out of 3 ain't bad - FireWire: Hot swapping isn't always a good idea - 05: Why I bought a low end iPod - 06: FM transmitters: How good a choice? - First OS X malware in the wild
dimanche 23 février 2025, 00:15
01: Free Internet for Mac users - PowerBooks for school - 04: WallStreet and Pismo processor upgrades - 05: Diehard OS 9 user makes the big leap - Apple does us a favor by not shipping a better mouse - 06: Control 2 or more computers with 1 Mac and no KVM - 07: 8-core Mac...
samedi 22 février 2025, 00:15
00: Online with a Performa 636 - 01: iMac 2001 value - 02: OS X: Apple's opportunity - OS X emerges from painful adolescence - 05: 10 most important Macs - 06: The Sculley years - Quick and easy disk maintenance and backup - 08: MacBook Air a compelling option
vendredi 21 février 2025, 00:15
98: Macs need parallel ports - 00: The Internet is social - From pencil to PowerBook - Has Apple ceded education? - 01: Speed up Internet Explorer - 02: Apple's digital hub disadvantage - iPod: MP3s and data to go - 03: How Microsoft could improve Virtual PC - 05: Can I...
jeudi 20 février 2025, 00:16
99: The dispute - 01: My iPinion - Mac in the middle ages - 02: Easier. Why not faster? - 03: Prioritized email - Overclocking iMacs and beige G3s - 04: Migration issues moving from a Beige G3 to a Blue and White - 06: 3 ways to run Classic on an Intel Mac -...
mercredi 19 février 2025, 00:16
99: Buying an iMac - 00: The social Internet - 01: Not the end of the Mac as we know it - Making an MP3 server - 02: OS X and the future of Linux - Low-end Macs work better, longer, cheaper - 03: Claris Home Page 3.0: Still irreplaceable? - Macs in schools: A personal horror ...
mardi 18 février 2025, 00:16
02: Breadth of the Mac Web - 03: Macintosh MHz speed chart - Importing vCards from Entourage - 04: iPod mini a success despite pundits - 05: OS X and the Cell processor - iPod shuffle is overpriced - 08: Pismo burning through CPUs
lundi 17 février 2025, 00:15
97: PowerBook 3400 - 00: Apple's retail problem - 03: PowerBook G4/400 under OS X 10.2.4 - 05: G3s and G4s: Macs really do last longer - Mini-to-the-max upgrades - 06: Control hard drive spindown with free CHUD Tools - World's smallest external hard drive - Mac mini inside...
dimanche 16 février 2025, 00:15
00: 'Pismo' PowerBook - iBook Special Edtion - 01: The end of the Mac as we know it - 04: Moving from a Beige G3 to Blue and White - 05: Apple IIGS, Apple's home computer for 1986 - 06: Apple and the enterprise - What going Intel really means - Address Book foibles, tips,...
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Date Actuelle
ven. 28 mars - 17:55 CET