Star Wars scented candles: Yoda's cooking pot, Imperial trash compactor, Wookiee fur
samedi 13 octobre 2018, 16:00 , par BoingBoing
Create your own version of 'Smell-O-Vision' by watching one the first three Star Wars films and lighting these officially-licensed candles from Merchoid when the scene coincides with the smell.
List of scents: A New Hope: Wookiee: Ever wondered what a walking carpet smells like? Bantha Milk [erroneously spelled 'Banther' on the candle]: Love the smell of bantha milk in the morning? Trash Compactor: Find out what was very nearly the last smell Luke, Leia and Han ever experienced X-wing Cockpit: Perfect for playthroughs of Battlefront's aerial combat Cantina: Eau de scum and villainy Lightsaber Duel: Do you prefer the smell of the dark side or the light side? The Empire Strikes Back: Han Solo Carbonite: This smell is all Leia had to remember Han for a long time Millenium Falcon: She may not look much, but she's got it where it counts (the smell) Inside of a Tauntaun: Thought it smelt bad on the outside? You've experienced nothing yet! Yoda's Cooking Pot: Yoda's legendary Force powers are only eclipsed by his cooking skills. Smell it for yourself! Return Of The Jedi: Rancor: The only way to smell a Rancor without ending up its lunch Sarlaac Pit: Add a new dimension to your favourite ROTJ scene Jabba's Palace: Admit it, you've always wondered what Jabba smells like Ewok: Do they smell as cute as they look? Let's find out! Death Star Destroyed: The sweet smell of rebellion The candles are available in sets, starting at $36.99 (one film) and going up to $127.99 (entire trilogy on display board). I smell holiday gifts. (Geekologie, Geeks are Sexy)
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jeu. 13 mars - 10:23 CET