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Les dernières news pour les Geeks

dimanche 23 mars 2025, 02:34
'Italy is using its Piracy Shield law to go after Google,' reports Ars Technica, 'with a court ordering the Internet giant to immediately begin poisoning its public DNS servers' to prevent people from reaching pirate streams of football games. 'Italy's communication...
samedi 22 mars 2025, 23:34
'China is considering trying to blunt greater U.S. tariffs and other trade barriers,' reports the Wall Street Journal, 'by offering to curb the quantity of certain goods exported to the U.S., according to advisers to the Chinese government.' Tokyo's adoption of so-called...
'China is considering trying to blunt greater U.S. tariffs and other trade barriers,' reports the Wall Street Journal, 'by offering to curb the quantity of certain goods exported to the U.S., according to advisers to the Chinese government.' Tokyo's adoption of so-called...
Besides administering standardized pre-college tests, America's nonprofit College Board designs college-level classes that high school students can take. But now they're also crafting courses 'not just with higher education at the table, but industry partners such as the...
The governments of Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Israel, and Singapore 'are likely customers of Israeli spyware maker Paragon Solutions,' reports TechCrunch, 'according to a new technical report by a renowned digital security lab.' On Wednesday, The Citizen Lab, a...
Greg Kroah-Hartman has announced the release of the 6.13.8, 6.12.20, and 6.6.84 stable kernels. Each contains a number of important fixes throughout the kernel tree; users of those series should upgrade.
This week the 'Old Vintage Computing Research' blog published a 21,000-word exploration of the DEC PDP-11, the 16-bit minicomputer sold by Digital Equipment Corporation. Slashdot reader AndrewZX calls the blog post 'an excellent deep dive' into the machine's history and...
Aujourd'hui, la saga God of War célèbre officiellement ses 20 printemps. Une longévité remarquable, mais cohérente avec la qualité intrinsèque de la franchise, qui s'avère être une excellente figure de proue - ainsi qu'un superbe baromètre - pour le catalogue...
Was the cutting of undersea cables part of a larger pattern? Russia and its proxies are accused by western officials of 'staging dozens of attacks and other incidents across Europe since the invasion of Ukraine three years ago,' reports the Associated Press. That includes...
The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS. The Finnix distribution is a small, self-contained, bootable live Linux distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The project's latest version is Finnix 250 which marks the project's 25th...
Slashdot reader Required Snark shared this article from In the realm of science fiction, [sun-energy capturing] Dyson spheres and ringworlds have been staples for decades. But it is well known that the simplest designs are unstable against gravitational forces and...
Annoncé en parallèle avec le tout nouvel épisode attendu en 2026, le remaster d'Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny se dévoile plus amplement par l'intermédiaire de Motohide Eshiro, qui a enfilé à nouveau la casquette de réalisateur comme lors du développement du jeu...
A son tour, Anthropic propose la recherche Web en temps réel avec son IA Claude. La course aux performances avec ChatGPT de OpenAI se poursuit.
Les jeux physiques commencent à devenir denrée rare. Ca nous fait mal de l'avouer, mais les tendances des consommateurs sont évidentes et même immuables: le dématérialisé gagne une ampleur sans précédent et est en passe de devenir une norme presque totale. C'est...
'I intend to sue the National Archives,' said Joseph diGenova, an 80-year-old former Trump campaign lawyer (and a U.S. Attorney from 1983 to 1988). While releasing 63,000 unredacted pages about the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, the U.S. government erroneously...
Que diriez-vous de profiter d'un des meilleurs VPN actuel pour un prix imbattable? C'est la promesse de cette offre à -82% chez CyberGhost!
Founded in 1979, the Association for the Advancement of AI is an international scientific society. Recently 25 of its AI researchers surveyed 475 respondents in the AAAI community about 'the trajectory of AI research' — and their results were surprising. Futurism calls the re...
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un mini PC performant, polyvalent et proposé à prix réduit, découvrez notre sélection comme avec le GT1 Mega équipé du processeur Intel Core U9-185H et des dernières technologies d’intelligence artificielle.
Two 'groundbreaking research reports' on open source security were announced this week by the Linux Foundation in partnership with the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) and Linux Foundation Europe. The reports specifically address the EU's Cyber Resilience Act (or...
I've no idea who put out the first music video – someone in the comments will doubtlessly inform me – but now they seem inextricable from the music industry as a whole. Mononymic video editor Simeon may not be the only person to wonder what some iconic music videos might...
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Date Actuelle
dim. 23 mars - 03:01 CET