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ChatGPT may not be a bad thing for education

mercredi 15 février 2023, 12:06 , par BetaNews
Educators and school administrators are becoming increasingly concerned over the proliferation of ChatGPT and other AI-based educational tools. Some see it as a threat to education, especially in English and writing. However, ChatGPT might not be all bad. Some aspects of the innovative AI chatbot can provide value to those in the education sector. Can ChatGPT become an integral part of the modern learning system? SEE ALSO: Big tech layoffs have a far-reaching impact An Overview of ChatGPT ChatGPT, an AI-powered conversational chatbot, is all anyone has been talking about lately. The AI model uses reinforcement learning from human feedback… [Continue Reading]
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sam. 27 juil. - 04:37 CEST