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Famed brand RCA returns with new Evolution M Series Flat Gaming QHD monitors

mercredi 1 novembre 2023, 00:34 , par BetaNews
Ah, RCA. A brand that dates back over a century. Known for its ground-breaking ventures in the electronics industry, RCA has now embarked on a new journey, making its way into the competitive world of gaming monitors. With the unveiling of the RCA Evolution gaming monitor lineup, the company has once again highlighted its commitment to delivering exceptional value. It’s a nostalgic yet forward-thinking move, reminiscent of RCA’s glorious past, blended seamlessly with the demands of modern gaming dynamics. Today’s announcement comes as a breath of fresh air for gamers who have been yearning for an upscale monitor solution without… [Continue Reading]
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Date Actuelle
jeu. 13 juin - 11:18 CEST