'Thousands" of Telegram Channels Sell Stolen Identities, Reports WSJ
dimanche 8 septembre 2024, 18:34 , par Slashdot
The Wall Street Journal writes that Telegram 'has become the premier internet platform to buy everything from hacked data and weapons to illicit drugs and child sexual abuse material, according to current and former law-enforcement officials and cybercrime researchers...'
And it's also being used by identity thieves: There are thousands of channels and groups on Telegram that offer stolen identities that can be used to open bank and investment accounts. Some claim to offer already created bank accounts created with stolen details. A channel called Bank Store Online listed accounts at over 60 banks and cryptocurrency exchanges for sale, ranging from $80 for a personal account to $1,800 for a business one. Payments were charged in crypto... There are thousands of channels and groups on Telegram that offer stolen identities that can be used to open bank and investment accounts. Some claim to offer already created bank accounts created with stolen details. A channel called Bank Store Online listed accounts at over 60 banks and cryptocurrency exchanges for sale, ranging from $80 for a personal account to $1,800 for a business one. Payments were charged in crypto. In Russia, where Durov launched Telegram in 2013, it is also the go-to platform where middlemen arrange deals that get around U.S. sanctions, such as smuggling in weapons parts, the Journal previously reported. Several groups advertise the sale of drones and Starlinks — small antennas to access the satellite internet network run by Elon Musk's SpaceX — to Russian combat units in Ukraine. In February, Musk tweeted that no Starlinks had been directly or indirectly sold to Russia, to the best of the company's knowledge. 'It's ground zero for every illicit activity you can think of,' said Evan Kohlmann, founder of Cloudburst Technologies, which monitors cybercrime on Telegram and elsewhere, and a frequent adviser to U.S. agencies. Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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ven. 21 févr. - 22:25 CET