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What Is AI? An Artificial Intelligence Guide For Beginners

mercredi 11 septembre 2024, 20:30 , par eWeek
What Is AI? An Artificial Intelligence Guide For Beginners
Artificial intelligence (AI) combines advanced algorithms, processing capacity, and data training methods to allow machines to imitate human intelligence and behaviors. As opposed to natural human intelligence, which is present in all living things, AI is created by humans. Early pioneers like John McCarthy established the foundation for AI by describing it as the study of creating intelligent systems capable of executing tasks that traditionally require human intelligence—for example, decision-making, problem-solving, and understanding language.

AI has evolved to handle such complex tasks as identifying patterns in data and generating creative content, making it an important tool across various industries. Here’s what you need to know about this dynamic technology, how it works, how it’s being used across industries, and how to implement it into your own workflows and business.


•Collaboration between humans and AI boosts productivity by combining human intelligence and decision-making with AI’s ability to handle large volumes of data and automate jobs. This collaboration is improving industries by increasing efficiency, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. (Jump to Section)
•Despite AI’s advancements, AI has its limits such as data biases, lack of common sense reasoning, and difficulty recognizing context, all of which can lead to hallucinated outputs. It requires high computational needs and the complexities of ethical issues pose considerable challenges to its widespread implementation. (Jump to Section)

Emerging AI trends include multimodal AI, which generates diverse data types for better understanding; agentic AI, which focuses on Autonomous systems; and retrieval-augmentation (RAG), which combines AI content with real-time information. (Jump to Section)

ToggleWhat Is Artificial Intelligence in Simple Terms?Types of Artificial IntelligenceHow Artificial Intelligence WorksReal-World Use Cases of AIAdvantages of Artificial IntelligenceChallenges and Limitations of AIIndustries Using Artificial IntelligenceEmerging Trends in AI3 AI Tools to Try3 Beginner-Friendly AI Courses To Learn MoreFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is Artificial Intelligence in Simple Terms?

AI allows computers to perform tasks that previously needed human intellect, such as understanding and generating language, recognizing images and photos, creating art, and learning from past experiences. AI systems can study data, improve over time, and predict future events using techniques such as machine learning and neural networks. These systems are intended to imitate human cognitive abilities allowing them to connect with people in natural language, solve complicated problems, and even produce creative content.

Although AI is still improving and getting more complex, it is already generally available. Everyday users can employ AI tools for a variety of tasks, including writing, image generation, data analysis, and decision-making, expanding the possibilities for personal and professional applications.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Computer scientists have proposed different ways to classify the types of AI. Common types include Narrow AI, which is intended for certain tasks, and general AI, which is designed to accomplish any intellectual work that a person can do. The following are the most common types:

Artificial Narrow Intelligence: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is designed to complete one task or set of tasks with high competence and skill. Apple’s Siri, IBM’s Watson, and Google’s AlphaGo are all examples of Narrow AI.

Artificial General Intelligence: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a form of AI that performs many intellectual tasks on par with a human. Many researchers are currently working on developing general AI—one of the best early examples is GPT-4, which is able to solve a variety of problems and has performed well on a number of standardized human tests.

Artificial Superintelligence: Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), which is still theoretical, has intellectual capacities that far outstrip those of humans. This kind of artificial intelligence is not yet close to becoming a reality.

How Artificial Intelligence Works

Artificial intelligence works by using different algorithms and training data to produce a predicted output as long as there are clear instructions for the desired output. The vast field includes machine learning, which allows systems to learn from data; deep learning, which uses neural networks to recognize complex patterns; and natural language processing, which focuses on interpreting human language. Together, these technologies drive progress in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and entertainment. 

Machine Learning

Machine learning allows systems to learn data and improve over time without requiring explicit programming. Models can be divided into three types: supervised learning, which uses labeled data; unsupervised learning, which finds patterns without labels; and reinforcement learning, in which models learn through feedback from their environment. Building and training these models require the use of frameworks such as TensorFlow and Pytorch.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that employs neural networks with multiple layers to process large datasets and identify complicated patterns. These networks are divided into three layers: input, hidden, and output layers. Deep neural networks (DNNs) use several hidden layers to perform advanced feature learning. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are designed for image and video applications, but recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are best for processing sequential data such as language and time series.

Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) focuses on helping machines understand and process human language. Tokenization, part of speech recognition, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis are all techniques that assist machines in comprehending text. NLP models like GPT and BERT anticipate and generate language, allowing tasks such as chatbot conversations, language translations, and speech recognition. These advancements allow AI to manage the complexities and nuances of human communication.

Real-World Use Cases of AI

The possible AI use cases and applications for artificial intelligence are nearly limitless. Here are some of the most common AI use cases:

Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant employ NLP to recognize spoken requests and execute activities like making reminders, managing smart devices, and answering inquiries.

Content Generation: Generative AI models are being used to generate content in a variety of formats—not just text but also code, synthetic data, audio and music, images, video, and voice.

Recommendation Engines: Recommendation engines use machine learning models to compare your selections and historical behavior to people around you to make suggestions about products or services you might be interested in. The models can be very good at identifying preferences even when users aren’t aware of those preferences themselves.

Sentiment Analysis: Sentiment analysis allows customer support teams to focus on customers who might be at risk of defecting and/or extremely enthusiastic supporters who could become advocates for the brand. AI can understand human language and identify the emotions underpinning human conversation.

Voice Synthesis and Assistance: Voice synthesis and assistance incorporate advanced AI techniques, including NLP and machine learning. This can be used on mobile devices, smart speakers, laptops, and even autonomous vehicles.

Fraud Prevention: Financial services companies and retailers often use highly advanced machine learning techniques to identify fraudulent transactions. They look for patterns in financial data, and when a transaction looks abnormal or fits a known pattern of fraud, issue alerts.

Image Recognition: AI-driven image recognition examines visual data to identify patterns and make choices, aiding in the early detection of anomalies in medical scans and resulting in better treatment outcomes. Facial recognition technology is also commonly used in security and retail to provide tailored product suggestions.

Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics: Predictive algorithms can analyze just about any kind of business data and use that as the basis for forecasting likely future events. Prescriptive analytics, which is still in its infancy, goes a step further to offer recommendations as to what organizations should do to prepare for likely future events.

Autonomous Vehicles: Most vehicles in production today have some autonomous features, such as parking assistance, lane centering, and adaptive cruise. Fully autonomous vehicles are already on the road, and the AI technology that powers them is getting better and less expensive every day.

Robotics: AI-powered robots are revolutionizing businesses by carrying out tasks automatically or with minimal human participation where robots perform repetitive activities and helping with surgery and patient care. These solutions improve accuracy, decrease human error, and boost operational efficiency.

AIOps: Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) uses AI to automate and improve IT operations, making it easier to manage complicated IT settings. AIOps can forecast system failures, improve resource usage, and discover faster by analyzing large amounts of IT data. This allows organizations to maintain peak performance, minimize downtime, and increase system reliability.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

AI provides several benefits across sectors, resulting in considerable increases in efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making processes. Some of the major benefits of AI include better accuracy, more efficiency, and the automation of tasks to free up employees’ time.

High Levels of Accuracy

AI systems are excellent at accomplishing tasks with great accuracy. Machine learning algorithms, for example, can scan large datasets and detect trends while generating accurate predictions. This decreases the possibility of human mistakes in jobs like data input, arithmetic, and even detecting medical issues. Using artificial intelligence in areas such as healthcare, banking, and manufacturing offers more consistent outcomes and improves overall operational quality.

Increased Employee Availability

By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, AI allows staff to focus more on significant and complicated work. AI-powered solutions, such as chatbots, may handle administrative tasks, scheduling, and even customer support, freeing human workers and focusing on strategic making processes and creative problem-solving. The transition leads to better work opportunities and satisfaction since employees are more productive.

Advanced Content Generation Capabilities

AI technologies such as NLP and machine learning have made it possible to generate high-quality content and analyze data on a large scale while being cost-effective. GPT-4, for example, can produce articles, marketing material, and even technical writing in a human-like tone. In addition, AI-powered data analysis tools can swiftly filter through massive datasets, yielding insights that people might require days or weeks to unearth. This capability enables organizations to adapt more quickly to market developments and consumer demands.

New Research and Discoveries Powered by AI-Driven Analysis

AI is transforming research by accelerating the rate of discovery in various fields. In healthcare, AI is being used to evaluate genetic data, discover possible medication for candidates, and sometimes forecast patient outcomes. In the pharmaceutical industry, AI models are being used to expedite the drug development process, saving time and money. The capacity of AIU to collect and analyze complicated data is in the discovery of new patterns, resulting in improvements that were previously impossible to achieve with traditional methods.

Challenges and Limitations of AI

While artificial intelligence provides significant benefits, it also presents several obstacles and constraints that must be addressed. From high operating expenses to ethical considerations, recognizing these constraints is important for the appropriate implementation of AI technology.

Bias and Ethics

AI models are only as good as the data on which they are trained; if that data has biases, the AI system is likely to perpetuate them. For example, facial recognition technology has been chastised for mistakes, particularly when recognizing individuals of race, owing to biased training data. Ethical difficulties occur when AI systems make decisions—such as employment, lending, or law enforcement—based on biased or inadequate data, resulting in unequal consequences. To address these ethical concerns, it is important that AI be trained on varied, representative datasets and that its decision-making procedures remain transparent.

Security Risks

Artificial intelligence systems, particularly those that handle personal data, are prime targets for cyberattacks. Hackers might use flaws in AI systems to get access to sensitive data, modify AI-generated outputs, or even interrupt key services. Adversarial attacks—in which AI models are purposefully given fraudulent information to create inaccurate or misleading results—pose a distinct security hazard. Malicious actors, for example, may interfere with AI models used in self-driving cars or financial systems, potentially causing disastrous results.

Cost and Resource Usage

One of the most serious issues of artificial intelligence is its cost and energy consumption. Training sophisticated AI models, particularly deep learning models, requires enormous computer resources. These models frequently rely on sophisticated technology, like GPUs, and data centers that use a lot of electricity. As a result, smaller enterprises and organizations may find it too expensive to build, manage, and operate AI systems. As AI use grows, the environmental effect of energy-intensive data centers is becoming more of a worry.

Industries Using Artificial Intelligence

AI has evolved into a formidable tool in a variety of industries, altering corporate operations and service delivery. Here are some prominent industries where AI is having a huge influence.

Healthcare and Medicine

AI is revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes. In medical imaging, AI systems analyze X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans to diagnose disorders such as cancer or fractures more quickly and accurately than traditional approaches.

AI-powered predictive analytics assist medical practitioners in anticipating patient outcomes and developing customized treatment plans, ultimately providing quality medical care. This goes the same with drug discovery since AI accelerates identifying potential treatments, reducing the time and cost of bringing new medications to the market.

Finance and Banking

In the financial industry, AI detects fraud, analyzes risk, and automates repetitive tasks. Machine learning models analyze financial data in real-time to identify anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities, which improves the bank’s security system. AI also assists banks in evaluating credit risks by analyzing a customer’s financial behavior and history, resulting in more accurate credit and loan approval decisions.

Part of AI’s integration in the financial industry is deploying chatbots and offering more personalized customer experience. Personalization is not just limited to chatbots—this goes as far as the bank’s marketing strategies. AI analyzes customer behavior, which provides feedback to the bank’s marketing team for them to know what products or services they want to offer to their customers.

Education and Learning

AI improves education by customizing learning experiences and automating administrative work. AI-powered learning platforms may modify instructional content to a student’s progress, skills, and limitations, resulting in a personalized learning experience that changes in real time. AI also permits the development of intelligent tutoring systems that provide one-on-one help to students outside of the classroom.

Additionally, artificial intelligence streamlines administrative operations like grading assignments and maintaining student information, allowing teachers to focus on more meaningful interactions with students. AI also helps with content production, providing quizzes, lesson plans, and even learning materials depending on curricular requirements.

Transportation and Logistics

AI is transforming the transportation and logistics business by optimizing routes, increasing safety, and allowing self-driving trucks. In logistics, AI algorithms evaluate data such as traffic patterns and weather conditions to find the most effective delivery routes, resulting in lowering costs and delivery times. AI is especially important in fleet management since it helps organizations estimate maintenance needs and decrease vehicle downtime.

Autonomous cars driven by AI are making advances in both personal mobility and business operations. These self-driving technologies employ artificial intelligence to safely traverse highways by processing data from sensors and cameras. AI also improves driving aid systems, such as autonomous braking and lane-keeping devices.

Emerging Trends in AI

Since AI continues to evolve, there are several emerging trends reshaping the future technological landscape. These developments show AI technological improvements as well as rising ethical and security concerns.

The Rise of Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI refers to AI systems that can handle and integrate different data types, including text, images, audio, and video. This allows a more in-depth and sophisticated understanding of content creation. For example, a multimodal AI can produce an image description or construct a picture from a text description or an audio input. The combination of multiple intelligence processing algorithms can achieve a higher level of AI performance.

Autonomous Agents in More Fields

Agentic AI is designed to act as an autonomous agent where it can perform tasks, make decisions, and interact with its environments without human intervention. It focuses on goal-oriented behavior and adaptive decision-making based on advanced algorithms and sensory inputs so it can perform real-time actions. Agentic AI is now applied to robotics, autonomous vehicles, and AI virtual assistants where it can perform tasks and independently respond to different complex conditions.

Improved Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that improves generative AI models by adding information retrieval capabilities. This means that the AI may retrieve important information from other sources to give more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. It combines the benefits of retrieval-based and generation-based models to improve the quality of generated content. 

Rising Demand for AI-Skilled Workforces

AI technologies will continue to progress, and the need for AI and machine learning specialists will continue to increase. This includes data scientists, AI engineers, and machine learning specialists. Organizations are investing in training and development programs to create a workforce capable of effectively using AI technology within their business.

Increased Use of Shadow AI

Shadow AI refers to the use of AI tools and systems within an organization without official approval or monitoring from the IT department. This can provide security threats, data privacy concerns and compliance challenges. To reduce these threats, organizations must manage and regulate the use of AI tools.

More Scrutiny on Ethics and Security

AI has been integrated into different sectors of society. As a result, it raises more concerns regarding its ethical implications and rising security threats. This includes bias in AI algorithms, the possibility of misuse of AI technology such as deepfake, and the use of false information in training datasets. Organizations need to have strong security measures to safeguard AI systems from potential misuse and cyber attacks.

3 AI Tools to Try

Different kinds of AI tools are readily available for anyone to try, but three of the most popular are ChatGPT for text-based and image generative AI, Leonardo.AI for image creation, and GitHub Copilot for coding assistance. These tools are helping speed up the creative process of many professionals and even help non-content creators or beginner developers in generating a certain output that they need for the industry that they are working for.


ChatGPT (generative pre-trained transformer) chatbot is an advanced form of NLP that can converse similarly to human language. It can generate different types of text-based content, such as articles and poems. It can also generate images if you subscribe to ChatGPT 4.0, which lets you access the Dall-E image generator.

ChatGPT’s free version lets users ask questions that it will answer based on information contained within its September 2023-cutoff knowledgebase. The paid version costs $20 per month and lets users access GPT-4o, GPT-4o mini, and GPT-4—though it has a similar knowledgebase cut-off, it can also access the web for more current information.

Visit ChatGPT


Leonardo AI is a generative AI that specializes in image creation through detailed text input or prompts. It can generate different types of images from cartoons, hyper-realistic images, and anime-related images that can be used for video games. Leonardo has a free version where users can have 150 tokens that they can spend on creating their AI-generated images. The amount of tokens spent in generating these images depends on the image preset that users have—but it usually starts at four tokens for default images and up to 26 tokens for using its Alchemy feature. For more tokens, Leonardo offers a monthly subscription. The Apprentice plan costs $10 for 8,500 tokens monthly, the Artisan plan costs $24 per month for 25,000 tokens, and the Maestro plan costs $48 per month for 60,000 tokens.

Visit Leonardo.AI

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps generate and correct codes for software developers. It integrates with integrated development environments (IDEs) and provides real-time code suggestions, autocompletion, and code generation based on NLP prompts. It supports different programming languages and helps developers by simplifying coding tasks and automating complex operations. While it accelerates development, users can check AI-generated code for accuracy, security, and legal compliance.

Copilot offers a free version that gives users 500 MB of private repositories. For users who want more private repository spaces, Copilot is offering 2GB of repository space for its Team Plan, which costs $4 per month per user, and 50GB of repository space for its Enterprise plan, which costs $21 per user, per month.

Visit GitHub Copilot

3 Beginner-Friendly AI Courses To Learn More

If you are looking into AI, taking courses can get you started or boost your knowledge. A number of online education providers offer a range of trainings—we recommend the following three courses for beginners, all of which are available through Coursera as part of the $49 monthly subscription fee.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

IBM, a popular hardware and software products company, offers an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course ideal for beginners who want to learn more about AI, how it works, and how AI applications can be used. It also explains the potential issues, concerns, and ethical considerations that students need to learn when implementing AI into their lives.

Visit Introduction to AI on Coursera

Introduction to Generative AI

Google offers this Introduction to Generative AI course to teach you more about different generative AI model types. In addition, you’ll get to learn about different Google Tools to help you develop your own generative AI apps. This course is part of the Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path Specialization. When you enroll, you’ll also be enrolled in this Specialization while learning new concepts from industry experts, gaining a foundational understanding of the subjects and tools, and developing job-relevant skills with hands-on projects.

Visit Introduction to Generative AI

Learn to Code with AI

Interactive code-learning platform Scrimba offers this beginner-friendly Learn to Code with AI course to teach students how to use AI to build web applications without in-depth knowledge of any programming languages. The basic requirement is to have a fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You’ll gain skills in machine learning and computer programming and learn how to deploy web applications.

Visit Learn to Code with AI

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Easiest Way to Explain AI?
AI refers to machines or software that can perform tasks that require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, language translation, and even playing games. AI can also be considered a digital assistant that learns from data and improves over time.

Can I Learn AI Without Coding?
It is possible to learn AI without coding since there are no-code AI platforms that allow users to create and deploy AI models using visual, user-friendly interfaces. These tools—such as Google Teachable Machine, DataRobot, and MakeAI—allow you to experiment with AI and machine learning without any programming language, making AI more accessible to beginners.

Is AI Difficult to Learn?
Learning AI from scratch can be challenging since it requires knowledge of several fields such as computer science, mathematics, and statistics—which can be overwhelming. On the other hand, there are no-code AI platforms that are suitable for beginners. It is best to start by doing enough research and taking online courses in learning AI. There are several free AI online courses and tools available online to make AI learning achievable.

Bottom Line: Use Our Artificial Intelligence Guide to Navigate Technology’s Future

AI is already transforming different industries, but the future still holds challenges. While technology continues to advance, with discoveries such as quantum computing on the horizon, the important question is how society will react. Businesses may encounter challenges using AI, ranking from biased data to unfulfilled financial expectations. To stay informed about AI’s advancements, our artificial intelligence guide offers important insights to help you and your organization stay up-to-date and navigate through the future of technology.

Learn more about creating detailed and effective prompts through our Prompt Engineering Guide to unlock AI applications’ full potential.
The post What Is AI? An Artificial Intelligence Guide For Beginners appeared first on eWEEK.

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