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Could New Clocks Keep Airplanes Safe From GPS Jamming?

mercredi 5 mars 2025, 21:00 , par Slashdot
Could New Clocks Keep Airplanes Safe From GPS Jamming?
Geoffrey.landis writes: Over the last three months of 2024, more than 800 cases of GPS interference were recorded in Lithuanian airspace. Estonia and Finland have also raised concerns, accusing Russia of deploying technology to jam satellite navigation signals near Nato's eastern flank.

A group of British scientists -- dubbed the 'Time Lords' -- are working on a solution: to develop portable atomic clocks. By carrying a group of atoms cooled to -273C on the plane itself, rather than relying on an external signal, the technology can't be interfered with by jamming. But the problem is that the equipment is still too large to be used routinely on planes.

The UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position Navigation and Timing (QEPNT) was set up last December by the government to shrink the devices on to a chip, making them robust enough for everyday life and affordable for everyone. Henry White, part of the team from BAE Systems that worked on the test flight, told BBC News that he thought the first application could be aboard ships, 'where there's a bit more space'.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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jeu. 6 mars - 16:22 CET