Hideki Kamiya a quitté PlatinumGames parce que le studio rentrait un peu trop dans les normes
dimanche 16 mars 2025, 17:16 , par GameKult
Hideki Kamiya est probablement l'une des personnalités les plus respectées du jeu vidéo et son tempérament ne fait que renforcer sa réputation: après un long passage chez Capcom pour réaliser Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe ou Okami, il deviendra le cofondateur de PlatinumGames pour créer Bayonetta ou encore The Wonderful 101. Depuis peu, l'homme s'en est allé créer un autre studio encore, Clover Inc., pour des raisons précises qu'il révèle lors d'un entretien.
var viouslyId = 'XlxCAaW8jgs'; // Function to load the Viously player and return a Promise function loadViouslyPlayer() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Get keywords from window.adsConf.params.keywords var keywords = window.adsConf.params.keywords.replaceAll(';', '&') || ''; // Get list of IDs permutive from localStorage var permutiveIds = JSON.parse(window.localStorage._pdfps || '[]').slice(0, 250).toString(); var position = ';position=MTF_content;'; // Construct the custom-macro part of the URL var customKeywords = '&cust_params='+encodeURIComponent(keywords + 'permutive=' + permutiveIds + position); // Create the div element var divElement = document.createElement('div'); divElement.className = 'vsly-player'; = viouslyId; divElement.setAttribute('data-template', 'PVEAZWFqJDXy4'); divElement.setAttribute('data-vast-booster-custom-macro', customKeywords); = 'background:#ddd;padding-top:56.25%;font-size:0;position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:100%;'; var container = document.getElementById('vsly-plyr-XlxCAaW8jgs'); // Append the div to the container if (container) { container.appendChild(divElement); // Set up a callback function to be called when the video player is ready window.vslyCallback = function(vsly) { resolve(vsly); }; // Check for vsly availability in intervals checkVslyAvailability(resolve, reject); } else { reject(new Error('[Viously] Container not found!')); } }); } // Recursive function to check for vsly availability function checkVslyAvailability(resolve, reject) { if (typeof window.vsly!== 'undefined') { // vsly is now available, resolve the promise resolve(window.vsly); } else { // Retry after a delay (e.g., 500 milliseconds) setTimeout(() => { checkVslyAvailability(resolve, reject); }, 500); } } // Usage of the Promise loadViouslyPlayer().then((vsly) => { // Now vsly object and its events are known vsly().on('contentStart', function (e) { console.log('video_started'); const eventData = { event: 'video_started', eventCategory: 'Video', eventAction: 'Play', eventLabel: e.title, eventValue: '', eventNonInt: true, video: { id: e.vid, context: 'Javascript', place: 'MTF_content', url: e.url, tags: '', title: e.title, player: 'viously-player', date_publication: e.upload_date, }, }; window.unify_dataSlayer.push(eventData); }); vsly().on('contentComplete', function (e) { console.log('video_completed'); const eventData = { event: 'video_completed', eventCategory: 'Video', eventAction: 'Completed', eventLabel: e.title, eventValue: '', eventNonInt: true, video: { id: e.vid, context: 'Javascript', place: 'MTF_content', url: e.url, tags: '', title: e.title, player: 'viously-player', date_publication: e.upload_date, }, }; window.unify_dataSlayer.push(eventData); }); }).catch((error) => { // Error until the video is shown });
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56 sources (32 en français)
Date Actuelle
lun. 17 mars - 15:14 CET