Mac > ATPM
lundi 29 juillet 2024, 01:35
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: How Did This Happen?Author: Dave TrautmanDave Trautman recalls his FrankenMac in this sequel to last month’s Getting to Know My First Macintosh.
Out at FiveAuthor: Matt JohnsonMatt Johnson’s series, Out at Five, has looked at the workplace and its boundaries from all angles, revolving around many of the same characters from his former series, Cortland. Matt is taking a hiatus after this month’s strip. He is...
The Spinning BeachballAuthor: Grant OsborneApple has provided a means to quantify music obscurity.
FAQ: Frequently Asked QuestionsWe’ve read your mind (we think)! Whether it’s a question on how to subscribe or unsubscribe from ATPM or how you can contribute to a future issue (yes, you can write for ATPM), we’ve got you covered on our FAQ page. And in case we’re...
Hardware ReviewArticle Title: ZAGG/Logitech Keyboard CaseAuthor: Christopher TurnerThe ZAGG/Logitech Keyboard Case is the perfect accessory for those seeking to use their iPad 2 as a full-fledged mobile computing platform.
Book ReviewArticle Title: The Future of Looking BackAuthor: David OzabDavid Ozab reviews a book that discusses the difference between real and virtual artifacts and asks insightful questions, such as how to reminisce about our lives when we no longer have physical objects to ...
About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™--Cover art by Michael Tidwell
WelcomeAuthor: Robert Paul LeitaoWarm up to each issue of ATPM with a brief welcome by Robert Paul Leitao and a spin of Apple finances and revenue, as well as what’s been going on that could affect your personal computing experience. Also this month: iPhone 4 success,...
SponsorsATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free.
E-MailWe’d love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise. Or, if you have an opinion or announcement about the Macintosh platform in general, that’s OK too. Send your e-mail to All...
MacMuserArticle Title: Box-Shifting Causes MigrationAuthor: Mark TennentA new Mac migration tale.
MacMuserArticle Title: The Best Thing About the iPhone 4S and How to Cope in ClinkAuthor: Mark TennentWhile enduring a hospital procedure, Mark Tennent explains his favorite feature of the iPhone 4S.
PEBKACArticle Title: Staying Connected in AfricaAuthor: Christopher TurnerWhile in Africa adopting his third child, Chris Turner offers his experiences in staying connected back home and with friends around the world.
How ToArticle Title: Create Your Own Homemade Audio BookAuthor: Sylvester RoqueArmed with a Mac, Automator, and a few other basic tools, Sylvester Roque shows you how to brew a home-made audiobook.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: Nowhere to Go But UpAuthor: Abe BalsamoATPM. receives many press releases each month. Most of them are merely informative, but we enjoyed this one so much that we had to publish it verbatim.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: Getting to Know My First MacintoshAuthor: Dave TrautmanDave Trautman’s tale of his first Macintosh—a Mac Plus, “a simple machine with a mouse to take over where the keyboard left off.”
Out at FiveAuthor: Matt JohnsonMatt Johnson’s series, Out at Five, looks at the workplace and its boundaries from all angles, revolving around many of the same characters from his former series, Cortland.
Desktop PicturesArticle Title: Disney WorldAuthor: Jeff KrauseArmed with a Canon EOS 7D, a tripod, and an annual pass, Jeff Krause enjoys creating HDR images from the four Disney World theme parks near Orlando, Florida.
Software ReviewArticle Title: Comic Life for iPad 1.1.1Author: Linus LyMake comics with the photo collection on your iPad or via the iPad’s camera.
59 sources (15 en français)
Date Actuelle
lun. 31 mars - 23:23 CEST