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Mac > ATPM

lundi 29 juillet 2024, 01:35
FAQ: Frequently Asked QuestionsWe’ve read your mind (we think)! Whether it’s a question on how to subscribe or unsubscribe from ATPM or how you can contribute to a future issue (yes, you can write for ATPM), we’ve got you covered on our FAQ page. And in case we’re...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Software ReviewArticle Title: OmniFocus for iPhone 1.13Author: Wes Meltzer“OmniFocus for the iPhone is a zippy, quick way to drop in a few new tasks and see what’s on the horizon for the day—or whenever you have a free moment.”
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
SponsorsATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™--Cover art by Mirko von Berner
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
WelcomeAuthor: Robert Paul LeitaoWarm up to each issue of ATPM with a brief welcome by Robert Paul Leitao and a spin of Apple finances and revenue, as well as what’s been going on that could affect your personal computing experience. Also this month: Steve Jobs' Biography, ...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
MacMuserArticle Title: What Trick, What Device, What Starting-Hole…Author: Mark TennentMark Tennent remains ever on the lookout for the next big thing to come along.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Mac About TownArticle Title: What a Ride! And It Ain’t Over Yet!Author: Mike ChamberlainFrom Palm devices and AOL installation discs to iPhones and iPads, Mike Chamberlain reflects on the changes in his digital life since the time ATPM began publishing.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
On a Clear Day, You Can See the Hollywood SignArticle Title: First and LastAuthor: Mike ShieldsMike Shields recaps his history with ATPM and lets you know where he can be read in the future. Because he can predict it.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
BloggableArticle Title: One Last Time, With FeelingAuthor: Wes MeltzerIn one last Bloggable, Wes Meltzer offers a rumination about what a long, strange trip it’s been. He takes a detailed look at the case of Mike Daisey and agony, ecstasy and untruth, a cruise around the...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Apple Cider: Random Squeezings From a Mac UserArticle Title: Look How Far We’ve ComeAuthor: Tom IovinoTom Iovino shares his view of Macintosh computing, beginning with the summer of 1997 when the Apple faithful prayed their beloved computing platform would not be...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Publisher’s LetterAuthor: Michael TsaiATPM Publisher Michael Tsai writes about the difficult-but-inevitable decision to bring this chapter of the publication to a close.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
E-MailWe’d love to hear your thoughts and memories about our publication and its 17-year history. We welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise. Send your e-mail to All mail becomes the property of ATPM.This month: Easter Island Desktop...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Welcome (and Goodbye)Author: Robert Paul LeitaoWarm up to this final issue of ATPM with a brief welcome by Robert Paul Leitao.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
SponsorsATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
Next ActionsArticle Title: The Last ActionAuthor: Ed Eubanks Jr.Ed Eubanks offers concluding thoughts about the practices of GTD on the Mac and iOS, as well as one last look at the “landscape” of GTD applications.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™--Cover art by Heather Sitarzewski
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
PEBKACArticle Title: Finales, Friendships, and the FutureAuthor: Christopher TurnerChristopher Turner looks at what is, for him, the really important take-away from his time on staff at About This Particular Macintosh.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
E-MailWe’d love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise. Or, if you have an opinion or announcement about the Macintosh platform in general, that’s OK too. Send your e-mail to All...
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
MacMuserArticle Title: Death of a SalesmanAuthor: Mark Tennent“Steve Jobs…transformed my life in so many ways that I just can’t express my gratitude…”
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
MacMuserArticle Title: Life Can Be So CruelAuthor: Mark TennentMark Tennent muses on mobile phone contract options as his newly ordered iPhone is delivered to a location out of his reach for several weeks.
    ATPM - 29 juil., 01:35
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