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Les dernières news pour les Geeks
jeudi 27 mars 2025, 15:30
Vendors with millions in federal contracts are watching nervously Tech vendors are awaiting the outcome of a constitutional battle to decide the fate of government contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars after US President Donald Trump issued an executive order...
Les robots humanoïdes s'apprêtent à déferler sur le monde mais ils doivent encore améliorer la précision de leurs gestes et la compréhension de l'environnement qui les entoure. La firme Figure apprend à ses robots à avoir une démarche plus fluide.
We're always being encouraged to be greener in our energy usage these days and many people have turned to solar power as a means of doing their bit and reducing their bills. But the inverter used to convert energy from solar panels to usable household electricity is usually...
Today, TEAMGROUP announces a new microSD card that’s definitely worth a look if you need fast performance and lots of space. It’s called the ULTRA microSDXC A2 V30, and while the name might not roll off the tongue, the specs speak for themselves. This itty bitty card...
Un pirate affirme avoir piraté Oracle Cloud et volé 6 millions d’enregistrements de données appartenant à 140 000 entreprises. Malgré le démenti d’Oracle, des experts confirment l’authenticité des données obtenues par le hacker.
A pro-Elon Musk country song (with accompanying music video) has been making the rounds lately, less for its own intrinsic appeal and more for its horrific, The Boys-esque vibes. It may strike some as satire, in large part thanks to its extremely basic, borderline...
As Elon Musk continues to expand his political power in the US, his mother has repeatedly traveled to China to speak at events, model for Chinese brands, and promote Tesla.
Le service PlayStation Plus dévoile sa sélection mensuelle avec trois titres marquants: RoboCop: Rogue City, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre et Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Une offre éclectique qui mise sur les licences cultes, disponible du 1er avril au 5 mai pour tous les...
China's ambitious AI infrastructure push has resulted in hundreds of idle data centers with local media reporting up to 80% of newly built computing resources remaining unused. The country announced over 500 data center projects during 2023-2024, with at least 150 completed...
Footage from a British plod's bodycam shows the moment officers caught and arrested a suspected shoplifter. There's no question about reasonable grounds for suspicion: his jacket was visibly stuffed with goods, and when searched they turned out to be delicious seasonal...
Timothy B. Lee has been writing full-time about AI on his Substack, Understanding AI, since 2023. In his latest post, he analyzed Waymo's recent crash data and determined that Waymo robotaxis drive much better than human drivers. This may seem surprising if your perception...
Like a hidden blade right to the heart. You may have noticed the recent controversy around Assassin's Creed Shadows, the last hope of flagging game developer Ubisoft – and if you haven't, I'm jealous of you. While for the most part it looked like more Assassin's Creed –...
Le 26 mars 2025, des rumeurs ont circulé concernant une annonce de Marvel, supposée être encore plus importante que celle de Robert Downey Jr. dans le rôle de Doctor Doom. Dans l'après-midi, le compte officiel des Avengers a lancé un direct, et plus de 10 millions de...
ZOTAC Gaming nous dévoile de nouvelles cartes graphiques RTX 5070/5070 Ti XGAMING et le moins que l'on puisse leur reconnaitre c'est leur originalité! Le constructeur indique s'être inspiré du grapheur anglais Mr. Doodle. Outre ce style unique, les deux RTX 5070 et 5070...
This strange little creature—which, to me, looks like an overgrown bumble bee with an unusually large snout—is a lowland streaked tenrec. They are native to Madagascar, covered in spines, and, according to Dr. Natalie Cooper, who has studied them, 'like a hedgehog...
Netflix fait fort en 2025! La plateforme vient d’ajouter cette série de vengeance sud-coréenne à son catalogue, et elle s’est hissée directement au TOP 3: au programme de cette production, violence, bagarres et manipulation. De quoi confirmer le rayonnement de...
The 2024 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management, and BPF Summit included a tense session on the use of Rust code in the kernel's filesystem layer. The Rust topic returned in 2025 in a session run by Andreas Hindborg, with a scope that also covered the storage and...
Avec cinq millions de joueurs, V Rising est un véritable succès pour Stunlock Studios, qui poursuivra bientôt l'aventure avec le gargantuesque patch 1.1 nommé Invaders of Oakveil.
Un an après l'excellente série Liquid Freezer III, ARCTIC revient et lance la gamme Liquid Freezer III Pro. Pour l'instant, seul un modèle en 360 mm avec éclairage ARGB est attendu, et il a de quoi faire trembler Vegeta! Avec ses nouveaux ventilateurs P12 Pro A-RGB qui...
Une 3e génération pour la TV Box S de Xiaomi qui profite d'une amélioration des performances pour une expérience plus fluide et plus rapide, et du Wi-Fi 6.
56 sources (32 en français)
Date Actuelle
ven. 28 mars - 17:02 CET