Analog Obsession announces "Rare" The Signature!
Something from past!
“Rare” signature for low end from past. Simply run your all mix or single tracks with magic! Shining highs, burning tubes!
True Component & Circuit Modeling
Re-drawing and designing original circuit carefully and emulated original fingerprint of gear with our technology. Carefully designed transformers and tubes. Fully emulated tube program eq.
Low band selectable from 20 Hz to 100 Hz. independent boost, cut and famous trick!
High band selectable from 3 kHz to 16 kHz
High cut selectable from 5 kHz to 20 kHz
Independent clean output
Totally clean output rom -12 dB to 12 dB. Emulating nothing! Added after tube gain stage and output transformer.
Supported Plug-in Formats
AU – VST2 (Win/OSX)
Supported Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.7 through 10.14
Windows 7 through 10
Any VST/AU-compatible host running on a supported operating system
Intel CPU only (minimum 2 GHz recommended)
Intel-compatible CPU with SSE2 instruction set (Pentium 4 compatible or higher; minimum 2 GHz recommended)
System Requirements
Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM