Ocean Swift - Faxi Homecoming Wavetable Stash (5 intro / 10 normal - 50% off)
jeudi 31 octobre 2024, 07:53 , par Gearslutz
Grab it here, 5 bucks:
After bundling the old, here comes the new! So excited to be back on the exploration/experimentation/innovation ride with wavetables, this is brand new and not included in the other big stash (that one bundles our wavetable packs from 2016-2020)! Faxi Homecoming Wavetable Stash includes 200 high quality delicate morphing wavetables. Created in a unique fashion, using an in-house experimental application developed with ChatGPT. The wavetables and the final product were created LIVE on air during a Youtube session, exploring the application and the resulting wavetables with lots of variety and tonal exploration. Every wavetable consists of 100 cycles seamlessly morphing from cycle to cycle, and each wavetable file is available with various frame sizes (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048), ensuring compatibility with every wavetable synth that can load wave files. This includes Porphyra Hybrid, Serum, Kontakt, Codex, Surge, Ableton Live, Dune 2 & 3, Defiant WT, Reaktor, MUX Modular, KV331 Audio SynthMaster, VCV Seven Seas, Vital, Eurorack modules, hardware synths and many others. Just load these up in your favorite synth and explore! Ocean Swift are known for our wavetables. Some of our wavetables have been featured as factory content in leading synths such as Native Instruments Kontakt, UVI Falcon, Native Instrument Conflux, Ocean Swift Enterprise, Polyphenom, Defiant WT, and Porphyra Hybrid, making our wavetable collections must-haves for any serious sound designer or music producer. See the end of the process of how these were created ->
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lun. 10 mars - 08:37 CET