Rigol 12Bit Oscilloscopes - 914s vs 1074
vendredi 8 novembre 2024, 19:00 , par
Hello friends,
maybe someone can help me decide on what scope to get.
I am leaning towads the newer rigol 12bit scopes since i do want to measure analog signals in Compressors, Synths, Preamps, etc.
I am a hobbyist, so i don´t need the best of the best. Still, usability is important to me.
Does anyone have experience with the two unites mentioned?
They are both 4ch - 12Bit - and have hdmi out for a larger screen.
DHO1074: 2 GSa/s - 70mhz - 10"Screen - 1188€
DHO914s: 1.25 GSa/s - 125mhz - 7"Screen - simple signal generator - logic analyzer interface - 830€
What is your oppinion on the 7" vs 10" screensize?
Do 2 GSa/s vs 1,25 GSa/s make a difference when looking at analog signals?
How about responsiveness of the signal on screen?