Experimental audio plugin (FREE)
vendredi 20 décembre 2024, 22:19 , par
I'm so excited to finally announce here that, after five years in the making, a completely new (mathematically and sonically) audio effect I made called Poltergeist is available for you to download free!
It's capable of very wild sounds, or adding very interesting depth and texture, on basically any instrument. Personally, I like cranking it up on guitar, drums, or as a drop-in replacement for reverb, but friends and early users have really surprised me with what they're able to do with it.
It definitely stands out and made for the adventurous! Pretty experimental, but there are 104 presets baked in to get you started on many different instruments/contexts.
You can get it for free here: effective-fx.com/poltergeist
Attached Thumbnails
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