We are supper happy to announced the latest addition to the Darkpalace Studio plugin library, Butterfly! A Stereo Mixing Utility plugin that can of course also be used as a creative tool.
What is Butterfly?
Butterfly is a plugin designed to help you get more control over your stereo-image by presenting some useful controls to allow for channel manipulation. Each channel has (in order) 2 filters, an upwards compressor, delay and gain, which are then processed into what we call, the Spread EQ. Together with the expanded toolset in our footer, Butterfly is a great gateway into creative soundscape exploration!
Key Features
Per-Channel Controls: Each channel comes with 2 filters, an upwards compressor and a delay.
Spread EQ: An unique approach to adding width to any sound by utilizing bell-filters spread out over the left and right channels.
Hardware Accelerated: Just like the other plugins, everything is handled by the Graphics-Card, keeping more resources available for your processor to do the fancy audio stuff!
Highly Customizable: Settings and Themes are easily managed and highly customizable, all done via JSON.
Check it out over at: https://darkpalace.studio/products/butterfly/